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Rischio Sismico e Prevenzione: Costruiamo un Futuro Sicuro (Seismic Risk and Prevention: Let’s Build a Safe Future)

30 April, 2024

Professor Gloria Terenzi, Ph.D. of the University of Firenze, ASSISi member and National Coordinator of Sismica-GLIS (an ASSISi Institutional Member), recently held a successful and very well-attended seminar “Rischio sismic e prevenzione: costruiamo un futuro sicuro” and the exhibition, “Earthquake and Prevention.” Held in Castagnole delle Lanze, in the province of Asti, Piedmont, Italy, the seminar focused on two main themes: Seismic Risk and Prevention (“rischio sismico” “prevenzione”) and was attended by about 200, mostly structural engineers (about 50 in-person and about 150 online).

The themes of the seminar, and in particular the theme of preventing seismic damage, are highlighted by the severe damage scenarios predicted in Italy for even moderate earthquakes (i.e., with magnitudes no greater than 5), which underscore the need for greater adoption of effective seismic retrofit strategies.

Since 2008, when the new Italian Technical Standards (NTC 2008), part of the “Vision 2000” international generation of Seismic Rules, were published, the use of modern base isolation and supplemental damping strategies has been promoted amongst the structural professional community and the number of applications has grown considerably, especially for new structures.

However, the use of these technologies requires advanced knowledge of both device and structure properties and performance capacities, as well as of proper implementation techniques, considering structural, architectural and technical aspects. All of these technical challenges require better training and education of engineers and technicians and this was one of the primary objectives of the seminar.

Seminar presentations focused on:

  • Seismic assessment analysis of existing buildings;
  • Monitoring and retrofit of structures, also by using base isolation and supplemental damping technologies; and
  • Design and applications of base-isolation, damped braces and other advanced strategies for the seismic protection of structures.

The Seminar was organized by the Sismica-GLIS Commissione of ANTEL, the Association of Engineers of Asti, and the Castagnole delle Lanze Municipality. It was also supported by: INGENIO as Mediapartner, Lares Italia, ASSISi, and Ancona, Bari, Bologna, Cosenza, Firenze, Genova, Potenza and Verona Associations of Engineers. The efforts of many others who voluntarily contributed to the realization and the success of the Seminar are also gratefully acknowledged.

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